Posted by: Manhattan LASIK Center


Do you have trouble with contacts? Perhaps your glasses get broken more often than you would like to admit. Why not give Lasik eye surgery some serious consideration? Most patients have an excellent chance of obtaining 20/20 vision with our experts at Manhattan Lasik Center.

Lasik eye surgery with the ZEISS Visumax Femtosecond Laser

This new laser is the “Mac Daddy” of lasers when it comes to Lasik surgery. It works much faster than other lasers at just 15 to 20 seconds per eye. It makes a much more precise “flap” that is centered perfectly on the cornea providing you with the most accurate results possible. This laser also creates a much thinner flap in the cornea, meaning you will heal extremely fast. Quicker healing gives you a much smaller chance of experiencing complications and it makes the entire process way more comfortable.

Lasik surgery from a leader you can trust

Lasik eye surgery is no longer as uncomfortable as it used to be with our new equipment. Many of our patients report little or no pressure or discomfort compared to previous patients. The best thing is that we are seeing much more accurate results than before. Our surgeons are the ones who can tell if 20/20 vision is something they can help you achieve, but many patients are getting better vision than they expected.

The Zeiss Visumax Femtosecond laser may be just what you were waiting for before having Lasik surgery. It offers the highest chance of 20/20 clarity. Our patients also find that they heal faster with the new equipment. Give MLC a call today at 212-759-9617 for a no-obligation consultation.