Reduce Dependency on Reading Glasses
As the eye ages, the lens loses its flexibility and becomes unable to focus on near objects. This natural aging process, known as presbyopia, typically begins to develop around the age of 40.
Although people may call this “reading vision,” it is the vision used for eating, putting on makeup, looking at a watch, and other near tasks. If you are nearsighted and also presbyopic, you may use this to your advantage by removing your glasses or contact lenses to see up close.
Monovision is a surgical option to help reduce a presbyopic person’s dependency on reading glasses. Our doctors at MLC typically correct the dominant eye for distance, while the other eye is left slightly nearsighted, to allow for near/reading vision.
Monovision can help you maintain reading vision in one eye to avoid total dependence on reading glasses. With monovision, you will slightly compromise your distance sharpness to avoid the reading glasses. A weak distance lens for the nearsighted eye may be helpful for night driving. Near glasses may be needed for times of extended or difficult reading.
Many patients already experience monovision in their contact lenses and are aware of its benefits and limitations. Monovision is best for those people over forty who want to avoid reading glasses enough that they are willing to accept a slight reduction in their distance vision. For people with high visual demands like sports, full-time drivers, or constant near work, MLC recommends full distance correction with glasses for near vision. Monovision is reversible with additional laser treatments, if desired, and generally at no charge.
If you are interested in monovision, our doctors will be happy to help you decide which procedure is best for you during your consultation.