Posted by: Manhattan LASIK Center

Do you depend on glasses and contact lenses to see? If you’re tired of waking up with blurry vision, it may be time to consider other options, like a vision correction procedure.

Although LASIK is the most popular and well-known of these, it’s far from the only one. Refractive laser eye procedures are the most well-known alternative to traditional glasses and contact lenses.

They were also the first vision correction procedures. However, vision correction has evolved beyond laser eye procedures.

One of the most revolutionary vision correction procedures is the EVO ICL. The EVO ICL is a vision correction procedure that corrects nearsightedness and astigmatism in qualified patients.

However, certain components of this procedure make it stand out from the rest. Patients achieve sharp, crisp vision while finally achieving freedom from glasses and contact lenses.

If you want better vision, the freedom to see without frames and lenses, and to finally see the world without boundaries, keep reading to find out why the EVO ICL is the future of vision correction!

What is the EVO ICL?

EVO is short for evolution. The ICL stands for Implantable Collamer Lens.

The EVO ICL is an additive lens inserted in your eye between your iris and your natural lens. The EVO ICL functions much like a permanent contact lens in that you never need to remove it from your eye unless you choose to.

Due to its unique and innovative design, the EVO ICL integrates perfectly with your eye and works harmoniously with its biochemistry. It’s made of a material called collamer, which is derived from collagen.

Because collamer is derived from collagen, the EVO ICL is highly biocompatible with the natural chemistry of your eye. Rather than being seen as a foreign object, the EVO ICL incorporates itself almost seamlessly into your eye.

Once implanted, nobody will know it’s in your eye unless you tell them, and you won’t be able to feel it as it improves your vision.

A Step Beyond Laser Procedures

Refractive laser eye procedures like LASIK and PRK work by changing the shape of your cornea to correct your refractive errors. Correcting these refractive errors requires removing small amounts of corneal tissue from your eye.

Although procedures like LASIK and PRK are minimally invasive, EVO ICL is less invasive because it doesn’t remove any tissue from the cornea. Implanting the EVO ICL only requires creating a small incision.

The lens is folded up, inserted through the incision, and then carefully unfolded and positioned. This minimally invasive technique means easier recovery from surgery and immediate visual improvement.

Also, because of the ease of the procedure and the fact that the EVO ICL is biocompatible, it’s significantly less likely to trigger post-operative side effects like dry eye compared to laser eye procedures. This makes it an excellent option for patients who may already have dry eyes.

The Best Procedure for Severe Nearsightedness

The EVO ICL can correct nearsightedness and mild astigmatism. It cannot correct hyperopia farsightedness, which LASIK and PRK can correct.

However, it can correct up to -20.0 diopters of nearsightedness, almost twice as much as any laser eye procedure is capable of! This makes the EVO ICL the only procedure capable of correcting vision if you’re severely nearsighted with a prescription of more than -12.0 diopters.

The Only Reversible Vision Correction Procedure

The EVO ICL is the only reversible vision correction procedure. Although the EVO ICL is meant to be permanent, you can undergo a procedure to remove it at any time.

Knowing this is an option,  gives the EVO ICL patients a much-needed peace of mind. However, most patients are satisfied with the EVO ICL and how it improves their vision, making removing it unnecessary.

Long-Lasting Visual Results

The EVO ICL provides most patients with 20/20 vision or better. Your vision with the EVO ICL will be clear day and night, and it will last!

Although no vision correction procedure can prevent age-related vision loss, choosing the EVO ICL can provide you with decades of fantastic vision. Whether gazing at the stars, enjoying a movie with friends, or taking a midnight swim, you won’t have to worry about your vision standing in your way.

When you start experiencing age-related eye conditions like presbyopia and cataracts, the EVO ICL makes improving your vision incredibly convenient. Age-related eye conditions are a natural part of your life.

Most people will need cataract surgery to remove cataracts and ensure they can see clearly after the procedure. Cataract surgery removes your natural lens and replaces it with an artificial lens called an intraocular lens.

However, patients with the EVO ICL won’t have to worry when they need cataract surgery. The ability to remove the additive lens makes it much easier to remove the EVO ICL and replace it with an IOL during procedures like refractive lens exchange or cataract surgery.

Once replaced, the IOL will be a better option to ensure you can see clearly. Not only does the EVO ICL bring peace of mind, but it makes dealing with age-related eye conditions much more straightforward!

Choosing the EVO ICL allows you to enjoy crisp, clear vision in your youth and set yourself up for the best possible vision as you age by replacing it with an IOL in the future. No other vision correction procedure offers this option, as the EVO ICL is the only removable and reversible vision procedure.

Step Into the Future

Getting the EVO ICL is like taking a step into the future. If you want the most revolutionary stage in vision correction, the EVO ICL is it.

Its biocompatible design ensures optimal visual correction, whether you want to improve your vision and have dry eyes or want to explore a reversible and removable vision correction procedure.

Are you ready to find out if you could be a good candidate for the EVO ICL? Get started by requesting your consultation at Manhattan LASIK Center in New York City today!