Posted by: Manhattan LASIK Center
Why Choose Lasik Over Contact Lenses?
There are many reasons why you should consider Lasik eye surgery compared to living with contact lenses and glasses for the rest of your life. Glasses and contacts get in the way and prevent you from having the freedom you want in life. They also cost a lot more in the long run than Lasik surgery.
Lasik Eye Surgery Is Cheaper Than Contacts
Lasik surgery costs on average $6,000 or more for both eyes, according to Consumer Reports. Although this number may seem frightening, it is actually cheaper in the long run. If you consider the cost you would pay for contact lenses each year, fitting appointments, backup frames and lenses, contact lens solutions, cases, and replacement contacts, then you will see that after 20 or 30 years you are paying much more money. Lasik eye surgery gets rid of all of those fees for most people.
Lasik Surgery Gives You A Much Freer Lifestyle
Imagine a life where you can turn over in bed and immediately focus on your spouse’s face upon waking. Does it feel good to look over at the alarm clock and see the time clearly? How does it feel to see your child’s smile without the need to go put in contacts first? Lasik eye surgery lets you do many things you could not do before. Imagine jumping in the pool to soak your best friend with a cannonball, or keeping your eye on the ball at a charity ball game. There are hundreds of ways that Lasik eye surgery frees up your lifestyle.
Lasik is an excellent option for people who hate their contacts or eyeglasses. You can live a much more fulfilling life without corrective lens use. Ask Manhattan Lasik Center how they can help you today.
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