What is 20/20 Vision, and How Can I Achieve It?

Posted by: Manhattan LASIK Center

Most people have heard the term 20/20 vision, but fewer know what having 20/20 means. Many people assume that if you have 20/20 vision, it’s a sign that you have the best possible or “perfect” eyesight attainable. If you have refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, it means you have a misshapen cornea. A […]

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Why the Visian ICL is a Groundbreaking Procedure

Posted by: Manhattan LASIK Center

Love the idea of no longer needing glasses or contact lenses? It may be easier to achieve than you think! Imagine a lens that sits inside your eye instead of on the surface like a contact lens. That’s the idea behind the revolutionary Visian ICL. It’s an implantable lens designed for nearsighted individuals and those […]

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