Posted by: Manhattan LASIK Center

The following is an excerpt from LASIK patient Brian Aitken’s blog regarding his laser vision correction experience at Manhattan LASIK Center.

For years I’ve been the guy with the collection of cool glasses. I had glasses in every color. Blue, black, red, you name it and I had it. My glasses were my trademark. But I couldn’t stand wearing them.

Whenever I’d go skiing I’d have to wear glasses under my goggles and they would invariably fog up. Heading into the lodge for an Irish Coffee? Forget it. The lenses became a wall of thick Scottish fog. Want to go snorkeling in the Caribbean? I did it. I snorkeled for miles and could only see what was immediately in front of me despite having crystal clear water around me in every direction.

The list of inconveniences is endless. When I would go winter mountaineering or ice-climbing I’d get a layer of frost built up on my lenses. Let’s not even get into the headache of wearing a full-face helmet on a motorcycle ride or a day at the track. If you’ve ever tried to live an active lifestyle and wear glasses you know what a massive inconvenience it is. But, like all other daily inconveniences, you get used to it.

Read the rest of Brian’s experience with Manhattan Lasik Center at