Posted by: Manhattan LASIK Center

Are you thinking about a vision correction procedure? There are many excellent vision correction procedures to choose from which will help you attain incredible vision and freedom from glasses and contact lenses.

But one that stands out from the pack is the EVO ICL. The EVO ICL is a unique procedure less invasive than popular options like LASIK.

It’s also the only vision correction procedure you can reverse anytime! The EVO ICL is a fantastic option for many patients.

But is it right for you? Keep reading to find out if you may be a good candidate for the EVO ICL and what makes it so unique!

What is the EVO ICL?

The EVO ICL is a vision correction procedure that surgically implants an additive lens inside your eye. The EVO ICL is placed behind the iris and in front of the eye’s natural lens to help improve astigmatism and nearsightedness.

Placing the EVO ICL in this part of the eye changes how light refracts, improving your vision and working with your eyes to enhance your eyesight. There is no tissue removed from the eye to do this.

Part of what makes the EVO ICL a revolutionary method of vision correction is that it’s made of a proprietary material called collamer. Collamer is derived from collagen, which the body naturally produces to help keep your joints limber and skin supple, among other uses.

Because the EVO ICL’s material is so close to a protein your body already creates, the EVO ICL lens is biocompatible. Being biocompatible means your body won’t recognize it as a foreign substance, allowing it to integrate better with your eye.

Patients can avoid frustrating symptoms like dry eyes and irritation when they choose the EVO ICL. After implantation, nobody needs to know the EVO ICL is in your eye since it’s virtually invisible.

An Alternative to Refractive Laser Eye Procedures

Refractive laser eye procedures like LASIK reshape your cornea to correct refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Reshaping the cornea permanently changes the shape of your eye.

The EVO ICL isn’t only less invasive than LASIK and other refractive laser eye procedures, but it’s also the only one that doesn’t have to be permanent. You don’t need to remove the EVO ICL, but you can have it removed if you ever change your mind about it.

Patients can also have the EVO ICL removed if they need cataract surgery. If this is the case, they’ll have the EVO ICL removed and replaced with an artificial lens called an intraocular lens or IOL. Many patients find this comforting, even if they never remove the additive lens.

By far, the most popular refractive laser eye procedure is LASIK. But one of the pivotal components of undergoing LASIK is requiring your corneas to be a certain thickness.

This is because LASIK involves creating a small flap in the cornea. If your corneas are too thin, you can’t safely have LASIK surgery, as the flap would leave you with too little corneal tissue.

The EVO ICL doesn’t require a flap, so patients with thin corneas may still qualify as good candidates for the procedure. Having this as an option makes the vision correction procedure ideal for patients who would otherwise be eligible for LASIK but whose corneas are too thin.

Candidates for the EVO ICL

So who is a good candidate for the EVO ICL? If you like the idea of a reversible procedure and want an alternative to a refractive laser eye procedure like LASIK, you may be an excellent candidate for the EVO ICL. But there are a few requirements you have to meet, like:

  • You’re between 21 and 45 years of age
  • You have a stable prescription that hasn’t changed in a year or more
  • You’re in good health and don’t suffer from any autoimmune conditions that could make a recovery after EVO ICL more challenging, like lupus or Sjogren’s syndrome
  • You’re moderately to severely nearsighted with some astigmatism
  • You have realistic expectations about what your vision after EVO ICL will be like

If you think you may be a good candidate for the EVO ICL, schedule an appointment at Manhattan LASIK Center in Manhattan! You’ll only be able to find out if you qualify for a vision correction procedure like the EVO ICL if you have a consultation.

What to Expect During Your Consultation

When you have your EVO ICL consultation, our experienced ophthalmologists will examine your eyes, ask about your medical history, and answer any questions you may have about the procedure. If you’re a good candidate for the EVO ICL, you can take the next steps, including scheduling the procedure.

EVO ICL is an outpatient surgery, so you’ll go home the same day after it’s complete. Because the EVO ICL is a low-risk, minimally invasive procedure, you’ll be awake during it, so there’s no need for general anesthesia.

Before your EVO ICL procedure begins, you’ll have your eyes numbed using eye drops to prevent feeling any pain. Your surgeon will then make a tiny incision to access the chamber in your eye between your iris and natural lens.

The ICL itself is then folded up and inserted through this incision. Once inside the chamber, your surgeon will carefully unfurl the ICL and position it.

After positioning the EVO ICL, the procedure is complete. No stitches are needed because the incision is small enough to heal on its own.

Recovering after undergoing the EVO ICL procedure is quick, with most patients experiencing improved vision only a few hours after. You’ll need to take prescription eye drops to prevent infection and reduce inflammation.

You’ll also need to avoid especially strenuous activities like contact sports. Attend all follow-up appointments with your eye doctor to ensure your eyes recover as they should.

If there are limitations on driving or other activities, your ophthalmologist will let you know when you can return to your usual routine. After EVO ICL, you’ll have crisper, sharper vision that will allow you to see things as never before.

Are you ready to experience better vision? Take the first step by requesting your consultation at Manhattan LASIK Center in Manhattan today!